Don't Miss Out! CU is worth every minute it takes to get it approved and funded.

Where does the money come from for CU?


  1. Your Program's Budget - Learning Outcomes are available to help you get CU's Class Track's approval. Download the Learning Outcomes and show your budgetary decision-makers. 
  2. Perkins Funds - Contact your Perkins Coordinator to find out if funds are available for either the Class Track, Prep Track, or both! 
  3. Chapter Funds - Pay for Prep Track enrollment for DECA or FBLA from your chapter's funds. Consider adding a minimal fee to your DECA or FBLA membership dues to help pay for your school's Prep Track enrollment. 
  4. Tech Fee - For elective marketing classes, request approval from your administrator to add a minimal tech fee to help make the purchase of the Class Track for Marketing 101.

It is important to make a connection with the decision-makers in any potential source for funding. If you are dealing with people on the state level or people you don't know, gain the support of people you do know. For example, collectively gather the support of your administrators, principals, superintendents, curriculum supervisors, or anyone else who might be a good reference and be able to represent your proposal. Remember the good ole saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." 


  1. Business Sponsor - Find a local business, or two, to become your chapters' "Competitive Event Sponsor." There are many opportunities for funding from local businesses and community organizations. Affiliation and support of great programs is what they look for, and with a solid proposal, you should find many options. 
    • Successful business men and women, especially who have had past membership in your organization, are a great place to begin. 
    • The Rotary, Optimists, or Kiwanis also seek projects to fund! They seek positive organizations to help, especially where students and education are enhanced!  When they see CU as a program that produces results and helps students focus on their future, support is imminent.
  2. Booster Club - Request funding from the school's Booster Club, which is likely designed to support "all school activities."
  3. Grants - Seek money from foundations and beyond!

If outside money is your best option, consider this tip: make a personal connection. Many funding decisions are made informally, often before the actual written proposal is received by a company or organization. Decision-makers rarely make a decision based solely on a well-crafted proposal. It is most likely based on a relationship of interest, trust and confidence in you and your program. A decision is often made based on personal matters and the well-crafted proposal helps finalize the check writing!

Sponsor-Starter Letters:

Raise Funds and give your students the satisfaction of earning their resources for competition. 

Be sure you have this amazing, online tool for your program and students.