How can an order for enrollment be placed?

Submit the Order Form with payment or a purchase order. 

You may also visit to order online and pay by credit card.

What if our school has multiple teachers who will use CU's CLASS TRACK?

If each teacher would like to see only his/her students' activities and grades in CU for convenience and efficiency, Custom Resources will enroll each teacher and his/her students separately. This will require each teacher completes the CU Enrollment Spreadsheet with his/her students listed. There is an additional admin fee per separate group enrolled within a school. See item CU-SE for this convenient option.

Additional advisors over the allocated number may be added to a school's CU enrollment. See CU's order form for this option. 

When does enrollment open?

Student enrollment opens in mid August and will be available, for the Class Track, through June each year.

How does enrollment work?

Enrollment spreadsheets are emailed out each year by Custom Resources. When ready, the teacher completes the fields within the spreadsheet (teacher's contact info and email, students' names) saves the spreadsheet, and then emails it to

Once the completed spreadsheet has been received by Custom Resources, students' accounts may take up to 5 business days to be activated during peak enrollment times. Typically enrollment occurs 1-3 business days.

Teachers will receive an email confirmation once students accounts are ready.

Are teachers given access to the CLASS TRACK in the summer for planning?

Teachers who have ordered prior to August 1 of each year will be given access in either late July or early August depending on summer enhancements and the time needed to complete those upgrades and enhancements. 

Can students be substituted?

Only during the initial 15-days following a group's enrollment, may teachers make substitutions to their enrolled student accounts. After the 15-day grace period students' accounts are locked in and may not be substituted.

What is the refund policy?

If a teacher is not satisfied with the Class Track or is unable to use it, a refund will be given for the purchase price less an admin fee noted in the terms on the enrollment spreadsheet and user agreement. Custom Resources, LLC must be notified in writing, via email, within 15 days of the student’s enrollment date. After the 15 day period, no refunds will be issued.

No credit will be issued from one year to the next year.

What technology is required to maximize use of Competition University's Class Track?

    • Good stable Internet connection is required. 
    • Pop-Up Blockers must be disabled.
    • Some resources within CU contain audio so headphones will be useful for classroom management