Chapter Enrollment is for DECA and FBLA advisors who want to enroll multiple students at once and also have access to their grades and activities as a group.

Each student who will be enrolled in the PREP TRACK will have access to All Courses for their organization's competitive events. 

Chapter Enrollment Levels are based on the number of students the teacher will be enrolling. Every student will have his/her own personal account. (This is different than just installing software on a certain number of computers.)

Teachers will be able to see their students' activity levels in each course and use each course's grade book. 

How can an order for enrollment be placed?

Click on the Order Form if you need info to submit a requisition to your school's purchasing department or your administrator for approval.

You may also visit to order online and pay by credit card.

What are the benefits to Chapter Enrollment for the PREP TRACK?

    • Advisors gain access to The Competitive Edge System... a simple, tactical system to save time - be ready for success!
    • Advisors have access to all Prep Track courses per organization in which they are enrolling students. 
    • Advisors have access to graded activities, giving class time spent on competitive event prep using CU added value and accountability
    • CU is a time-saver to those teacher who use CU resources in lesson plans
    • All enrolled students in the chapter have equal access to preparation materials, study quizzes, and sample tests, 24-7
    • CU offers the most cutting-edge, one-stop shop for preparation ... and it is available to all enrolled students, whenever and where ever they have internet access

What if our school has multiple DECA or FBLA advisors who will use CU's PREP TRACK?

If each teacher would like to see only his/her students' activities and grades in CU for convenience and efficiency, Custom Resources will enroll each advisor and his/her students separately. This will require each advisor completing the CU Enrollment Spreadsheet. There is an additional admin fee of  per separate group enrolled within a school. See CU-SE on the order form for price. FBLA and DECA advisors at the same school are encouraged to combine their numbers for the best value.

Additional advisors over the allocated number may be added to a school's CU enrollment. See CU's Order form for price.

How soon after enrolling can students log-in to CU?

Student enrollments will be activated mid August in the most recent years because of the demand for the earliest access. While we may have to push access to post Labor Days in the event of major changes to events which require major changes to our courses, we will continue with mid-August for open enrollment. 

PREP TRACK for FBLA courses is open through NLC, or the first week of July.

PREP TRACK for DECA event prep is open through May.

Chapter enrollments are created through the advisor's efforts of filling out the CU enrollment spreadsheet and sending it to Custom Resources. Once the completed spreadsheet has been received, and payment or school purchase order has been received, students' accounts may take up to 5 business days to be activated.

Are teachers able to view CU to plan for its use in CU?

Pending CU's annual upgrades and development phases, Advisors who have sent in their school's enrollment order for the upcoming school year will have access during the month of July or August to courses for planning purposes. 

Can students enroll in more than one course?

For the Chapter Enrollment option, each student will have access to all competitive event courses for their organization and the corresponding Exam Prep courses.

Can advisors substitute students' enrollment slots as the year progresses?

Only during the initial 15-day period, may advisors make substitutions to their enrolled student accounts to fill their chapter level enrollment slots. After the 15-day grace period students accounts are locked in and may not be substituted.

What is the refund policy?

For Chapter Enrollment: If a teacher is not satisfied with the site or is unable to use it, a refund will be given for the purchase price less an admin fee noted in the User Agreement in the Enrollment Spreadsheet. Custom Resources, LLC must be notified in writing, via email, within 15 days of the student’s activation date. After the 15 day period, no refunds will be issued.

No credit will be issued from one year to the next year.

The following technology details will help you maximize use of Competition University.

    • Internet: required for all CU resources
    • Pop-Up Blockers: must be disabled for Competition University
    • Headphones: some resources within CU contain narration so headphones may be required by classroom teachers 
    • Video and audio are contained within several resources within the site.